Between the Moments
By Anthony Casperson

For good or bad, there are moments that define us. Events that reset the trajectory of our lives. Whether it’s a diagnosis of a life-altering disease or a newfound understanding of what we are meant to do with our lives, this vast range of circumstances leave us fundamentally changed.

This is what an author and screenwriter spoke about for the characters in a story that he writes. Moments where there is a definitive before and after version of the character. He said that for those who write stories it is of utmost importance that we know what these moments were for our characters. Both the times that defined them in their backstory and during the presented story. If we know the moments that define the character, then we know what they will do in any given situation.

However, as the man continued to speak, he said that there is one issue with writing as it comes to these defining moments. They might be interesting and flashy and great for action in the story, but it’s during the long stretches of time between these moments that all people spend most of their time.

It’s between the moments that we live out those changes to our core.

For a story, these moments between might seem boring, but it’s also important so that the defining moments of a life have time to work within us. And give us the background we need to reach the next defining moment.

We followers of Jesus often celebrate the defining moments of our lives. Like when a person chose to follow Jesus. I mean, even the sacrament of baptism showcases that defining moment of life change. Or like when God finally helps us overcome a long-held sin or addiction.

But those are only possible because of the arduous work of daily life. Sitting through unanswered questions. Struggling to overcome and failing—multiple times. Denying the temptations that continue to push us toward the old habits. Speaking truth through the lies that roll around in our heads.

While it’s nice to proclaim the victories and the life-changing moments that shifted the trajectory of our lives, we must be honest that the discipline of daily life seeking the holiness of God is just as important. If not more so.

It’s what Paul was talking about at the end of 1 Corinthians 9 (the passage which I just uploaded a sermon for last week) when he said that he disciplines his body so that in the end he might not be disqualified. In order to even be able to run in the life-altering race, he must train himself. Between the choice to run and the victor’s crown, there are many days of training. Rough and difficult days that were needed to even be able to compete.

And this is true of us as well. Holiness, becoming holy as God is holy, is not something that happens in a moment, but in the daily discipline between the moments.

So let’s not seek only the spiritual highs of momentary redirection, but also the regiment of daily training in being like our God.